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Summer Bash Events

Summer Bash Events is a youth (travel) organization.

We are a travel organization specializing in guided youth vacations. We stand for quality, affordability and safety of youth travel. Before, during and after the trip we guarantee excellent service, because that is what makes Summer Bash stand out. Every trip should be THE experience for all our travelers that they will talk about for years to come.

We are a youth organization, not only during our trips, but all year round! We want to connect with young people, we want to listen to young people, we want to be more to young people and we want that all year round!

Summer Bash

Summer Bash

With Summer Bash, we offer 11 destinations in 6 different countries. We strive to make everything as personalized as possible and that is why we offer at each destination, a unique mix of excursions and activities so that every traveler can get the best experience to their liking. Not only that, but we also have a well-trained crew on location that can help and assist every traveler.

All of our travelers are divided over 4 age groups that each offer a different level of service. 14+, 15+, 16+ and 18+, this goes from complete freedom until having a fixed evening schedule.

Summer Bash is the perfect choice for travelers who want a bit of sightseeing, beach and partying but most importantly for travelers who want sun.

Mountain Bash

Mountain Bash offers 9 destinations across 5 countries. These trips are focussed on people who like to do winter sports with a bit of aprés-ski.

Just like with Summer Bash, Mountain Bash offers a fully trained crew on location and all of the travelers are divided into 3 age groups. Unlike Summer Bash, Mountain Bash focusses on winter locations but offers the same service, safety, … as Summer Bash

Mountain Bash is perfect for people who are looking for a fun and exciting way to spend their winter break.

Website: 🇧🇪🇳🇱🌏


Explore is for young people who have been bitten by the travel bug and are looking for unique locations around the world to explore.

Explore Youth Travel has it all! In the diverse range of tours inside and outside of Europe, young people are sure to find something to their liking. Think of surf vacations, canoe trips, city trips, and backpacking. Want to go to New York or rather go to Bali or maybe Iceland is your destination? Explore has it all!

Explore stands for safe, guided, and affordable package tours to great destinations worldwide and this completely tailored to young people. Are you ready to Explore?


Website: 🇧🇪

School Trips

School Trips specializes in school and group tours.

These are always tailored to the needs of the school. Do they prefer to visit only museums or only sports sights? No problem, we arrange it all for them!

Does the school wants a school trip the students will never forget? Then School Trips is the right place for them! We take care of everything.

School Trips is happy to help schools put together their educational program!

website: 🇧🇪

“Let’s Make It Legendary”